The New Agriculturist podcast 2009-3

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  • Song Name: The New Agriculturist podcast 2009-3
  • Artist: WRENmedia
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  • Year: 2009

At the very heart of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), in Nigeria, stands a giant rain tree whose spreading branches provide a large area of cool shade. It's under this tree that Nigerian and Ghanaian journalists Oluyinka Alawode and Kofi Adu Domfeh sit with Susie Emmett to reflect on a week at work focusing on improving agricultural science reporting in Africa, meeting also with one hundred young African agricultural scientists as gather to discus 'Sustainability in Agriculture: the way ahead'. And towards the end of this edition's podcast, we hear a summary of reactions when their team, including another eight print and radio journalists, took to the podium to share tips on Making the Most of the Media with young and experienced agricultural researchers.